
Learning to play beach volleyball in winter?

So you can knock everyone off the court on the beach next summer? Throughout the winter, we organise indoor beach volleyball training on our heated courts. Monday to Thursday evenings there is training at all levels, so there is always one that suits you! Training sessions last 1.5 hours and are provided by our professional Beach Club Aalsmeer trainers.

Nice with your feet in the sand!

When can you train?

19:30-21:00 2×2 Intermediate 3 mix
21:00-22:30 2×2 Advanced 1 men/ladies

18:00-19:30 2×2 Beginners mix
19:30-21:00 2×2 Improvers mix
21:00-22:30 2×2 Intermediate 2 mix

19:30-21:00 2×2 Intermediate 3 mix
21:00-22:30 2×2 Advanced 2 men

19:30-21:00 2×2 Expert ladies
21:00-22:30 2×2 Expert men

When does training take place and what does it cost?

Training takes place in two 15-week blocks from September to April. Block 2 starts on Monday 6 January.

The cost for a block is:

- Indoor block seniors 15 weeks = €225
- Private group = Price on request

2x training per week = 10% discount
Then use discount code "2keertrainen"

Club night, free play!

All training members may take advantage of our special free play offer.

On a weekday, after 4pm you can call for a "free field". If they are there, you and other members can use this pitch for 1 hour for free. Playing with non-members? No problem, they pay 10,- p.p. at the bar.


Would you like to train with us? Then fill in the registration form below, choose the group/groups you want to train in and complete the registration process by paying for your training sessions. If successful, you will receive a confirmation e-mail

Unsure which group suits you? Then mail first to to discuss what is the best choice for you.

Based on request, it is possible to make a payment arrangement, again this should first be emailed to

Registration form block 2

Monday 21.00 Advanced 1 Men's
€ 225,00
Tuesday 19.30 Improvers Mix
€ 225,00
Tuesday 21.00 Intermediate 2 Mix
€ 225,00
Thursday 19.30 Expert Ladies
€ 225,00
Thursday 21.00 Expert Men
€ 225,00
